Latex emulsion: production and on site application

Разработка и применение латексной эмульсии

Latex emulsion: production and on site application

New type of water-based bitumen emulsion was developed and produced in 2020. Latex emulsion is used to form a PMB membrane on a treated surface. It is a good practice to use chemicals like polyacrilamide and caustic which allow ranging the membrane thickness between 1-5 mm.

Latex bituminous emulsions are widely used in road construction to fix concrete surfaces by creating an asphalt-concrete surface course. The membrane provides strong adhesion and uniaxial compression compensation of two different type construction layers (concrete and asphalt-concrete) at low temperatures.


Latex emulsion: production and on site application
Latex emulsion: production and on site application
Latex emulsion: production and on site application
Latex emulsion: production and on site application